samedi 18 juillet 2020

How to use GROUP_CONCAT and EXPLODE function to display in checkbox?

I'm new to PHP. So I have a few problems here:

So, this my "item_choice" table:

║  c_id    ║ item_id ║ choice_name   ║
║   1      ║ 100     ║   Set A       ║
║   2      ║ 100     ║   Set B       ║
║   3      ║ 100     ║   Set C       ║
║   4      ║ 100     ║   Set D       ║               

This is my "item_subchoice" table:

║  sc_id   ║ c_id    ║    option     ║    price      ║
║   1      ║   1     ║   Fries       ║      4        ║
║   2      ║   1     ║   Coleslaw    ║      4        ║
║   3      ║   1     ║ Mac n Cheese  ║      5        ║
║   4      ║   2     ║   Fries       ║      4        ║               

So far this is my result (the square thingy is the checkbox):

Set A:
╚═╝ Fries,Coleslaw,Mac n Cheese  4,4,5

What I'm trying to achieve:

Set A:
╚═╝ Friese  4,
╚═╝ Coleslaw  4
╚═╝ Mac n Cheese 5

This is my current code:

                     <div class="form-row">



                                    $choice_id = $_GET['itemid'];
                                       $get_choice_id = "SELECT
                                             GROUP_CONCAT(t2.sc_id) AS sc_ids,
                                             GROUP_CONCAT(t2.option) AS choice_options,
                                             GROUP_CONCAT(t2.price) AS choice_prices
                                            item_choice t1 
                                                LEFT JOIN item_subchoice t2 ON t2.c_id = t1.c_id 
                                        GROUP BY t1.c_id";
                                    $query = mysqli_query($con, $get_choice_id); 
                                    foreach (($query) as $row){

                                    $choice_id = $row['c_id'];
                                    $choice_name = $row['choice_name'];
                                    $subchoice_id = $row['sc_ids'];
                                    $subchoice_option = $row['choice_options'];
                                    $subchoice_price = $row['choice_prices'];

                                      echo"<div class='form-group col-md-12'>";
                                            echo"<hr style='height:1px;'>";  
                                                    echo"<label style='font-size:15px;'> Add Ons - $choice_name: </label>"; 


                                                    echo"<div class='form-group col-md-12'>";
                                                        echo"<input type='checkbox' id='addon-checkbox' name='check_list[]' onclick='check(this)'";
                                                    echo" <label value='$subchoice_id'>$subchoice_option +$subchoice_price</label>";


I've tried explode function and also array_merge too, but I can't get it to work. Thanks in advance!

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