I'm doing my first WEB project for college that I just started, and I need that JSP file to send the informations to my data bank, but to send all checkbox values I need to deal with a String array variable, that variable should put the right values in the SQL comand, but it only works if all the 3 checkboxes are checked, and I know it's because I called 3 list itens in the SQL comand, so if the user only checks 2, the 3º one doesn't exist, so I tried to put something like a (If array[1] == null){put a "XXX" value on that array}, but I couldn't make it work.
I tried something like this just to put some value in the empty ones: ` String vserv1; String vserv2; String vserv3;
if(vservA[0] == null){
String vserv1 = "XXX";
String vserv1 = vservA[0];
if(vservA[1] == null){
String vserv2 = "XXX";
String vserv2 = vservA[1];
if(vservA[2] == null){
String vserv3 = "XXX";
String vserv3 = vservA[2];
By now I only know some things about HTML, CSS, and just a tiny little about JavaScript and JSP.
And I'm still learning English so... I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong = (.
Thats my code:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="img/ico/top.ico">
<meta name="viewport" content="device=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Crie sua conta Top Show Pet </title>
<meta charset = "UTF-8">
<!--<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL='http://localhost:9999/TopPet/Pagina-Pet/Top-Pet-(PetForm).html'"/>-->
<%@page language="java" import="java.sql.*" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
// cria as variaveis e obtem os dados digitados pelo usuario
String[] vservA = request.getParameterValues("checkservico");
String vanimal = request.getParameter("PetEsc");
String vdia = request.getParameter("Data");
String vhora = request.getParameter("Hora");
// variaveis para acessar o banco de dados
String banco = "toppetcadastro";
String usuario = "root";
String senha = "";
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/" + banco;
String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
// carrega o driver na memoria
Class.forName( driver );
// criar variavel para conectar com banco de dados
Connection conexao ;
// abrir a conexao com o banco
conexao = DriverManager.getConnection( url , usuario , senha ) ;
String select = "SELECT cliente.cpf, cliente.Nome, pet.id from cliente join pet on cliente.CPF = pet.Dono WHERE Email = '"+session.getAttribute("user")+"' and pet.Nome = '"+vanimal+"';";
// cria o statement
Statement stm = conexao.createStatement() ;
// executa o comando do SQL
ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(select);
String insert = "INSERT INTO agendado (Servico, Proprietario, Nome_Dono, Animal, Nome_Animal, Dia, Hora) VALUES('"+vservA[0]+" - "+vservA[1]+" - "+vservA[2]+"','"+rs.getString("CPF")+"','"+rs.getString("Nome")+"',"+rs.getString("id")+",'"+vanimal+"','"+vdia+"','"+vhora+"');";
// executa o comando do SQL
stm.executeUpdate( insert ) ;
stm.close() ;
conexao.close() ;
out.print("<br><br>") ;
out.print("Dados gravados com sucesso!!!") ;
out.print("<br><br>") ;
out.print("<a href='http://localhost:9999/TopPet/Pagina-Agendar/Agendamento.jsp'>Continuar</a>") ;
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