mardi 16 mars 2021

image is not getting displayed in rails 6 views

i have the following code in my rails 6 app . using active storage for saving images to the database

<%= form_for(@business, url: supplier_save_business_categories_path, :html => {method: :post } ) do |f| %>
  <%= f.collection_check_boxes(:category_ids, Category.all, :id, :name) do |b| %>
     <%= b.label class: "check_box" do%>
       <%#= image_tag(url_for(b.image)) if b.image.present? %> image is not getting displayed here.
       <%=b.check_box style: "display: none;"%> <%= b.text %>
     < %end%>
<% end %>

trying to display category image like this.

<%#= image_tag(url_for(b.image)) if b.image.present? %> 

but the image is not getting displayed here. when category name is getting displayed from db from category record, i do not know why the category image is not getiing displayed.

getting the following error.

undefined method `image' for #<ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionCheckBoxes::CheckBoxBuilder:0x00007fb6205a48c0>

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