mercredi 31 mars 2021

Localstorage on AMP

I have created a theme using AMP and in an area there is a form with checkboxes to browse articles depending on their taxonomies (in this case the taxonomies are styles)

I have made an example that I want to stay checked after refresh but it is not working

<amp-script src="<?php ABSPATH; ?>/wp-content/themes/Amptheme1/template-parts/templates-tptf/ville/checkbox-action.js">
    <div class="container">
       <input type="checkbox" id="test7" class="linput" name="style[]"
         value="Streetwear/Sportwear"/><label class="lelabel" for="test7"> 
         <button type="button" onClick="save()">save</button>

and for the JS

function save() {   
var checkbox = document.getElementById("test7");
localStorage.setItem("test7", checkbox.checked);    

//for loading
var checked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("test7"));
document.getElementById("test7").checked = checked;

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