mardi 18 mai 2021

Problem with checkbox Ischecked in a click event

I have a problem with checkbox. I'm trying to explain. My Datagrid can have multiple row, so multiple checkbox.

When one or many checkbox is true, so a button IsEnable=true. But if no checkbox is true, so the button is disable.

Maybe an issue with a count of checkbox is check ? Or maybe the click processus is not appropriate ?

Here my code :

        private void Chk_UID_IsSelected_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var Chkbox = sender as CheckBox;

        if (Chkbox.IsChecked == true)
            UID_Disconnect.IsEnabled = true;
            UID_Disconnect.IsEnabled = false;

But my code check only one checkbox in fact. If i click on 2 checkbox and uncheck one, my button have an incorrect state.

My design :

row with checkbox

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