dimanche 5 mars 2023

Getting an when I run a web app using streamlit

After running the program I got this error message; Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\venv_\lib\site-packages\streamlit\runtime\scriptrunner\script_runner.py", line 565, in _run_script exec(code, module.dict) File "C:\Users\Dhikrullah Muhammad\Desktop\My Documents\pythonProject\web.py", line 20, in with tab: AttributeError: enter

import streamlit as st

tab = st.tabs(["My Todos"])

with tab: for index, todo in enumerate(todos): checkbox = st.checkbox(todo, key=todo) if checkbox: todos.pop(index) functions.write_todos(todos) del st.session_state[todo] st.experimental_rerun()

Expecting: A tab named My Todos containing a list of my todos with each of them in a checkbox.

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