So I'm trying to make a login page (using customtkinter), I finished most of the code but when it came to show password I wanted to add a image to the checkbox, I tired many methods but none of them worked for me either nothing happened or it throws an error.
This is the checkbox I'm trying to add the image to:
entry2 = ctk.CTkEntry(master=frame1, width=220, placeholder_text="Password", show="*", font=('Segoe Ui', 17))
entry2.pack(padx=10, pady=12), rely=login_form_y + 0.06, anchor=ctk.CENTER)
cb_va = ctk.IntVar(value=0)
def my_show():
if cb_va.get() != 0:
checkbox1 = ctk.CTkCheckBox(master=frame1, width=220, text="Show Password", font=('Segoe Ui', 12), variable=cb_va, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=my_show)
checkbox1.pack(padx=10, pady=12), rely=0.62, anchor=ctk.CENTER)
I just started using tkinter and customtkinter a few weeks back for my school project, so I have no idea what to do now.
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