mardi 23 décembre 2014

PHP - Selected Checkboxes are not completely passed into $_POST-Array

just a short overview what i want to do:

I have a "Gridview" containing cargodata from a mysql-db. The Grid contains a checkbox with the cargoid as value for each single row. Now the user have the option to select multiple cargo-elements and generate a pdf with the collis and some other informations.

Here's a snippet of the grid how it is built via php:

<tr id="first"></tr>

$collection = $_barcode->getBarcodeCollection($_SESSION['sort'], $_SESSION['order']);

foreach ($collection as $row)
echo "<tr class='datarow'>";
echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='select[]' value='".$row['id']."' /></td>";
echo "<td onclick=''>".$row['sku']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row['colli_']."/".$row['colli']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$_man->getManufacturerById($row['manufacturer'])."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row['barcode']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";

This works fine so far if i select only a few entries. My database table now has ~ 4.000 Entries, so when i select all elements in the grid it only can pass 1.000 elements to the $_POST-Array, because php has set the max_input_vars to 1.000 by default.

And here is the part, where i get and process the values from the checked checkboxes:

if ($_POST['formaction'] == "generateBarcodes")
$barcodedata = $_POST["select"];
$_ev = new Eventmgr();
$barcodeitems = array();
$data = array();

// get all selected barcodes
foreach ($barcodedata as $item)
$barcodeitems[] = $_barcode->getBarcodeById($item);

// Create an array which holds all data seperated by manufacturer
foreach($barcodeitems as $i)
$data[$i["manufacturer"]][] = $i;

$_ev->logEvent("Begin with generating process....",1);
$pdfgen = new generatepdf($data);
$_ev->logEvent("Keine Barcodes ausgewählt!",2);

So whats the problem now?

I've had set the max_input_vars to 6.000 and restartet the machine where my debian runs. But afterall it only selects ~900 selected checkboxes and ignores the other ~3.000 checkboxes even if they were selected.

So now im not sure what is going wrong there, i don't have the missing checkbox values inside the $_POST-Array before i process the data.

I hope someone can give me some hint or advice.

Thanks in advance and best regards tireniets

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