jeudi 24 septembre 2015

How to dynamically generate GUI Checkboxes in MATLAB and see ALL of them?

i would like to generate as many checkboxes as the user wants. Here for example i would like to have 100 checkboxes. The Problem is that they dont fit to the window size!!

function [S] = GUI_many()

S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
              'position',[300 300 200 600],...

for ii = 1:100

    S.rd(ii) = uicontrol('style','radio',...
                         'position',[20 30*(ii-1)+20 70 20],...
                         'string',sprintf('%s %i','radio',ii));

How can i enable scrolling, so that every checkbox can be seen?

I am very glad for your help since i dont know at all how to handle this problem!

Best regards, John

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