lundi 29 août 2016

af:selectBooleanCheckbox (SelectAll checkbox) is not updating the chckboxes the first time i click on it

I'm new to ADF tables so forgive me if this sounds stupid . i have a table with a column containing check boxes for each row . i want to add a (Select/deselect All) checkBox on the checkBoxes column header . my problem is this , whenever i check the (Select All) checkbox , it selects all the rows , but it doesn't put the (check) mark on the checkboxes , which means ; the rows are actually selected but the checkboxes are not checked.

the second time i do that , everything works fine , the rows are selected and the checkboxes are checked.

please advise .

Checkbox column and header:

<af:column sortProperty="#{}" 
   <af:selectBooleanCheckbox styleClass="checkboxPaddingTable" autoSubmit="true" immediate="true" value="#{row.SelectedRow}" id="checkBox1"/>
   <f:facet name="header">
      <af:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectAllCheckBox" 

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