mercredi 24 août 2016

Keep checkbox checked after page refresh AngularJS

I'm quite new to AngularJS and had to takeover somebody else's project at work which has little to no documentation.

I have 2 kinds of check-boxes in my application, one is a "Select All" checkbox and another is a device selection checkbox. As the name suggests, the select all will select all the devices listed below it and if I uncheck the "select all" checkbox, I can check the devices individually to see them.

Here is the code of the Select all checkbox -

<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model='devCtrl.uiChoices.selectAll' value='true' data-ng-change="devCtrl.selectAll()"/><h4>Select / Deselect All</h4>


_this.uiChoices.selectAll = true;

I can understand from above that by default, select all is checked and I can see all the devices below it checked too.

Moving onto the device check-box -

<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model='device.draw' data-ng-change="device = devCtrl.adjustVisibility(device)" />

Controller -

_this.adjustVisibility = function(draw) {
        return draw;

Basically, whenvever the device is selected, it will appear on a google map. If it is unchecked, it won't appear on the map.

My question is, after I uncheck the "Select all" checkbox and then select only 2 devices in the list below and then do a page refresh, I want the select all to be disabled and show only those 2 devices to be checked and displayed on the map.

The list of devices is being pulled from a MySQL database and is updated dynamically.

Any help is appreciated.

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