jeudi 30 novembre 2017

My checkbox list is not filled with the correspondant value

I have 2 arraylist filled on the java side : One with a full list of Nature : allNature and another one with the selected one on the java side natures. How can I check the natures in the full allNatures list ?

Here is my html code :

<div th:each="nature : ${allNature}" class="checkbox">
    <label > 
     <input type="checkbox" th:field="*{natures}" th:value="${nature.nom}" class="checkboxNature" />
         <span th:text="${nature.nom}">...</span>
       <span th:text="${nature.routage.nomRoutage}" >...</span>

and the relevant (to me) java code in my controller :

@SessionAttributes(value = "topologie", types = { Topologie.class })
public class TopologieController {
    public List<Nature> getAllNatures(final Topologie topologie)
            throws Exception {"ModelAttribute to get all Nature for Cadre : {}",
        return natureService.getNaturesByVersionCadre(topologie.getCadre(),

and the object reference

public class Topologie {
    private List<Nature> natures = new ArrayList<Nature>();

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