mardi 26 juin 2018

Calling checked "checkboxes" only

I don't seem to be familiar with calling objects/elements from the DOM. In my code below i have a variable that collects all the added checkboxes. And now i want to collect only the checked ones once submit is pressed.

                   <form id="name_form">

                    <label for="name">First name: </label>
                    <input id="name" type="text" name="name">
                    <input type="button" id="btnAdd" value="add" onclick="newTextBox(this)"><br>

                    <input type="button" id="btnAdd" value="submit" onclick="printme()">

                      var instance = 1;
                      var allchecked = [];
                      var form = document.forms.name_form;
                      function newTextBox(element) {
                        form = document.forms.name_form;                              // call the form from DOM.
                            if ( === null) {                           // if name value in the form is empty.
                              console.log("if has: ";               // prove it. :D
                              alert("Insert something in the name department. :)");   // alert me as well.
                          } else {
                            console.log("else has: " +;              // prove whatever else it might have.

                                var newInput = document.createElement("input");       // create a new input element.
                       = "text" + instance;                      // add an id to it.
                       = "text" + instance;                    // add a name to it.
                                newInput.type = "checkbox";                           // add a type of checkbox.
                                newInput.checked = true;                              // turn it's checkbox to true.

                                var label = document.createElement("label");          // create a label for it.
                       = "added";                                   // give an id to the label.
                                label.htmlFor = "text" + instance;                    // what is the label for.
                                label.innerHTML= "Hello " +           // insert values from the given name inside the form.

                                instance++;                                           // increment the instance counter.
                                form.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), element); // insert a brake tag after the add button element.
                                form.insertBefore(newInput,element);                  // insert the new input tag before the add button element.
                                form.insertBefore(label, newInput);                   // insert the label before the input tag element.

                                allchecked.push(label.innerHTML);                     // push value to the label created.
                       = null;                               // clear the value in the name entry.
                      var chek = [];
                      function printme(){
                          for (i=0; i<form.elements; i++) {
                            if (form.elements[i].checked) {

Once the Submit button is pressed I need the "chek" list to print with only checked values the way the "allchecked" list does. My "printme()" function is return an empty list. am I using elements wrong.

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