samedi 16 juin 2018

How to show and hide Images on check/unchecking of a Checkbox?

Im trying to have a few CheckBoxes visualize ingredients on a pizza in this javafx app. The Pizza is a ImageView. But I dont know how I will go about adding ingredients. Lets talk about salami for a second!

My first idea was to do this on my setOnAction of my CheckBox salami: (gc beeing my graphics context)

                                    Image salami1 = new Image("salami.png");
                                    gc.setFill(new ImagePattern(salami1);
                                    gc.fillOval(250, 200, 60, 60);

(I tried just adding another ImageView on top instead, but even tho It was a .png wich transparent background the background would still show. So i tried this instead. Since I will only go for cheese, salami this would be fine too. This is very basic and supposed to be just for practice on my side.)

However, How do I make the salami disappear again once I uncheck the box? Im aware of gc.clearRect() but thats it. Im clueless as on how to do this upon unchecking the box. Thanks in advance

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