dimanche 12 janvier 2020

docusign checkbox value based on API call not working

I am trying to pass selected checkbox values from a real estate contract via the REST API. Currently I am able to make the check boxes show up on the document but they do not show checked or uncheck based on the True/False data passed. What am I doing wrong? I've tried setting them as read only and mandatory on the template and they still don't populate the checks in the boxes.

    foreach ($checks_data as $key => $check_value) {
                    //echo $check_value."\n"; 
                     $seller_checks[$count_checks]= new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Checkbox(["tab_label" 
                    => $key, "selected" => $check_value,"Checkbox_Group"=>'c610c847-ef6f-441f-8a2b- 


          //file_put_contents("create_event.log",   "json_decode($checks, true);" , FILE_APPEND);

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