jeudi 24 septembre 2020

Ion-checkbox event not working properly on else

I have a problem with my ion-checkbox event function. The else part its not working properly when I try to split some ingredients from a groceryList that I have. Splice its working but its removing the common ingredients from both recipes that I have.

What I am trying to achieve is : when i uncheck 1 recipe i need the ingredients from that recipe to not be in the groceryList anymore , but to keep the common ingredients from the recipes and also when I tick them back to see the correct amounts again.

My code looks like this :

else {
      let tickedRecipe = ev.detail.value;
      for (let recipe of {
        if ( === tickedRecipe) {
          recipe.ingredients.forEach((el) => {
            let matchedIng = this.groceryList.find(function (foundIng) {
              return ===;
            if (matchedIng) {
              let index = this.groceryList.findIndex(
                (ingF) => ===
              this.groceryList.splice(index, 1);
            let matchedH = this.untickedGroceryList.find(function (
            ) {
              return ===;

            if (matchedH) {
              matchedH.quantity === matchedH - el.quantity;

This is looks like when both recipes are ticked

This is how it looks when I untick 1

As you can see when I untick one 2 of the ingredients that are in both recipes are gone , and I want to keep them separately if possible. How can I achieve that ? Thanks for help

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