dimanche 29 novembre 2020

Need to Modify my filter functionality in Angular

I am struggling to add filter functionality in my web app, I tired the logic but I made the program exactly opposite what I wanted.

here I am sharing my stackblitz link:


  1. After the compilation, you can see checkboxes which are checked already, Which I don't want
  2. I want a filter functionality, Like after the page load these checkbox should be unchecked and all the below data should be display.
  3. I have two sections of filteration i) Select Crop & ii) Select District
  4. All I want is just when user select any checkboxes that particular data should be display on the screen rest should be hide.

Note initially I want all the data should be display on the screen and all checkboxes should be unchecked**

I tried the logic but its not working like what I wanted, so please modify my stackblitz code.

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