mardi 30 août 2022

AntBlazor tree with checkboxes. How to check some tree items with code, when replacing the tree data

I'm searching for a way how to set the check boxes in an AntBlazor Tree component by code for example on button press. Not at startup. In the end I would like to replace the tree data with a filtered set of tree data, and keep the check boxes checked that were checked before. In my attempts the check boxes are cleared when a new DataSource is set, and I found no way to re-set them again. I'm using AntBlazor which is the latest version at this time. I used a simple test implementation : Checkable="true", @bind-CheckedKeys="checkedKeys" , DefaultCheckedKeys="DefaultCheckedKeys", DataSource="People" (where people is List< Person > and Person has Children of List< Person > ) and no way to get to the checkbox item in the code using : @ref="PeopleTree". I also found no example code on how to do this. Any suggestions on how to approach this would be welcome.

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