samedi 13 août 2022

How to click the Checkbox with Selenium and Python

I am new on selenium and in this case I'm trying build code with selenium python to click checkbox from this HTML:

<div class="checkBox" xpath="1"><input type="checkbox" name="registerPrivacyAgreement" id="registerPrivacyAgreement" value="1"><label for="registerPrivacyAgreement" lang="lang_9" class="privacyAgreement">I acknowledge that my data will be processed in accordance with the <a target="_blank" href="PrivacyPolicy.html">Privacy Policy.</a> &amp; <a target="_blank" href="UserAgreement.html">User Agreement.</a></label></div>

Snapshot of the checkbox:

This Capture From chrome

I already try to click that checkbox from xpath with this code:


I also tried by ID, & CSS_Selector but when I run, its doesn't click the checkbox but open newpage about UserAgreement I already try with other way but it always open newpage about UserAgreement not click the checkbox. Then I try with selenium IDE and record after that I play and then its work, but when I copy code from selnium IDE it show like this:


Then i try back to my python code and it still open newpage about UserAgreement not click that checkbox. can someone explain me what happen and how to solve that?

Element Snapshot:

Checkbox I want to click

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