vendredi 17 février 2023

How can I multi-select items in the model using picker in xamarin or otherwise?

xaml.cs page:

public partial class TalimatGorevEkle : ContentPage
        TalimatGorevModelmobil Model;
        public TalimatGorevEkle() { 

            var kullanicilist = Methodlar.GorevliListeGetir(Sabitler.Token);
            KullaniciSec.ItemsSource = kullanicilist.GorevliListe;  //picker'da listelenecek kişiler


.xaml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
                   <StackLayout  Grid.Row="0" Padding="8">
                       <Label Text="Görev Başlığı:" TextColor="#FF7F24" FontSize="14"></Label>
                       <Entry x:Name="talimatAdi" Placeholder="Görev Başlığı Giriniz" HeightRequest="60" ></Entry>
                       <Label Text="Görev Adı:" TextColor="#FF7F24" FontSize="14" ></Label>
                       <Entry x:Name="talimatGörevAdi" Placeholder="Görev Adı Giriniz" HeightRequest="60" ></Entry>
                       <Label Text= "Görevin Son Tarihini Seçiniz:" TextColor="#FF7F24" FontSize="14"></Label>
                       <DatePicker Format="dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" x:Name="gorevSonTarih" TextColor="Black" ></DatePicker>
                       <Picker x:Name="KullaniciSec" Title="Kullanıcı seçiniz." ItemsSource="{Binding GorevliListeModel}" ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding GorevliKullaniciAdi}"></Picker>
                       <Button x:Name="SaveCourseButton" Clicked="GorevEkle" Command="{Binding}" Text="Kaydet" BackgroundColor="LightGray" TextColor="#FF7F24" Margin="3" />


I have a list in xamarin I have it displayed in picker. But I want it to be multiple selectable. How can I write for it? How should I select it as checkbox or over the picker? enter image description here

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