dimanche 19 février 2023

Laravel ReactJs cant check or uncheck checkboxes

I want to create an edit a from containing checkboxes. I have initial ids to auto-check the checkboxes. If I use attribute check on Input checkbox, I can't change the checked/unchecked UI.

This is my html:

{props.ids.map((val, key) => {
    return (
        <div key={key}>
            <div className="form-control">
                <label className="label cursor-pointer">
                        onChange={(e) => handleChange(e)} 
                    <span className="label-text">{val.name} ({val.id})</span> 

This is my handleChange function and useForm:

const { data, setData, patch, errors, processing, recentlySuccessful } = useForm({
    ids: initialIds,

const handleChange = (e) => {
    let tempArray = [];
    if (e.target.checked)
        if (_.indexOf(data.ids, e.target.value) === -1)
            tempArray = [...data.ids, e.target.value];
        } else {
            tempArray = [...data.ids];
    } else {
        tempArray = data.ids.filter(val => val !== e.target.value)

    setData(e.target.name, tempArray);

Seems check attribute on Input resulting I can't check/uncheck the UI even though the handleChange function is fired when I click the checkbox.

Am I missing something? Any idea how to fix this?

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