I want to generate some checkboxes depending on select value. So i have select tag:
<%= f.collection_select :type, RequestType.order(:typeName), :id, :typeName,
{include_blank:true }, {:class => "types"} %>
When the value of select changes i want to generate some checkboxes, for that i have div:
<div id="sub_types"> </div>
where i want to generate my checkboxes
def show_sub_types
@rtype = params[:id];
@stypes = RequestSubType.where("request_type_id=?", @rtype).all
respond_to do |format|
My method grabs all subtypes and passes them to js file show_sub_types.js.erb
$("#sub_types").append("<%= j render 'show_sub_types', stypes: @stypes %>");
In my js file i render partial show_sub_types.html.erb in which i want to generate my checkboxes:
<% stypes.each do |type| %>
<%= check_box_tag "subtype", type.id %>
<%= type.subTypeName %>
<% end %>
In my partial i do something like this. This code generate me my checkboxes. They look like that:
<input type="checkbox" name="subtype" id="subtype" value="1">
But now i don't know how to submit these checkbox values with my form.I want to store multiple checkbox values in db as array.
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