lundi 30 mars 2015

How to create checkboxes with preselected values from database?

I am trying to create checkbox with preselected values which comes from my database (Genres). For example, if this movie has 3 different genres: comedy, romance and action (in the database), these genres will be preselected (have default value) checkboxes. The problem is that i need all the checkboxes (genres) which I get from the following SQL-query:

$sql = 'SELECT Movie.* FROM Movie WHERE = ?';

and default values (ticked checkboxes) which I get from the following SQL-query:

$sql = 'SELECT FROM (Genre JOIN Movie2Genre ON Movie2Genre.idGenre = JOIN Movie ON Movie2Genre.idMovie = WHERE = ?';

If you have a solution or any simpler method I would love to hear you out.

(PS: My if-statement is not working as I want it to do)

foreach ($allGenre as $val){
foreach ($aktivGenre as $act) {
if ($act==$val) {
$active = "checked";
}else {
$active = "";

echo "<input type='checkbox' name='{$val["name"]}' value='{$val["name"]}'".$active." >{$val["name"]}"; //$active="selected" when

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