lundi 30 mars 2015

trying to combine two scripts together with a check box and toggle

I have a link when clicked by the user will uncheck a checkbox.

When the checkbox is unchecked, I want a div to be hidden. Only when the checkbox is checked the div is displayed.

Both scripts work independently, but together they do not. When I refresh the page, the link to uncheck the checkbox works correctly but the div is displayed.

I need help to combine these two scripts together to ensure the div is displayed when the checkbox is checked AND the checkbox is unchecked by a link.


<a id="uncheck-all" href="#sharestory2" class="share_cont1">Continue</a>

<input type="checkbox" name="agreeCheckbox" value="Accept" onchange="toggleLink(this);">

<div class="share_cont_PRO" id="agreeLink" style="display:none;"><a href="#sharestory3" class="share_contPRO">Proceed To Sharing</a></div>


$(document).ready(function() {

$("input:checkbox").attr('checked', false);

function toggleLink(checkBox)
var link = document.getElementById("agreeLink");

if (checkBox.checked) = "inline";
else = "none";

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