jeudi 30 avril 2015

Filter table with checkboxes

I am filtering a table with checkboxes. The code I have works fine, in some aspects.

I want it to filter results if they meet all the checks, not one.

based on: How can I add to my table filter to allow for multiple checkbox selections, as well as filtering from a dropdown?

My Example

$("input[name='filterStatus'], select.filter").change(function() {
  var classes = [];
  var stateClass = ""

  $("input[name='filterStatus']").each(function() {
    if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
      classes.push('.' + $(this).val());

  if (classes == "" && stateClass == "") {
    // if no filters selected, show all items
    $("#StatusTable tbody tr").show();
  } else {
    // otherwise, hide everything...
    $("#StatusTable tbody tr").hide();

    // then show only the matching items
    rows = $("#StatusTable tr" + stateClass).filter(classes.length ? classes.join(',') : '*');
    if (rows.size() > 0) {;


  <script src=""></script>

  <form name="FilterForm" id="FilterForm" action="" method="">
    <input type="checkbox" name="filterStatus" value="ISO " />
    <label for="filter_1">ISO</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="filterStatus" value="AMCA" />
    <label for="filter_2">AMCA</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="filterStatus" value="UL" />
    <label for="filter_3">UL</label>

  <table border="1" id="StatusTable">
        <tr class="ISO">
          <td class="Name">Name1</td>
          <td class="ISO">&#x2713;</td>
          <td class="AMCA">&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="UL">&nbsp;</td>
        <tr class="ISO AMCA">
          <td class="Name">Name2</td>
          <td class="ISO">&#x2713;</td>
          <td class="AMCA">&#x2713;</td>
          <td class="UL">&nbsp;</td>
        <tr class="ISO AMCA UL">
          <td class="Name">Name3</td>
          <td class="ISO">&#x2713;</td>
          <td class="AMCA">&#x2713;</td>
          <td class="UL">&#x2713;</td>



Thanks for your concern

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