Using Play 2.3.x I am trying to understand how checkboxes are handled in forms. This question seems like a solution for an older version of Play. I understand that checkbox info will only be posted if checked, but I've created a small sample app and no info is posted even if I check the boxes. Here is my sample "Hello World" application
public static class Hello {
@Required public String name;
@Required @Min(1) @Max(100) public Integer repeat;
public String color;
public Boolean box1;
public Boolean box2;
@* For brevity, here is the checkbox code *@
<input type="checkbox"
value="@helloForm("box1").value"> Box 1
<input type="checkbox"
value="@helloForm("box2").value"> Box 2
public static Result sayHello() {
Form<Hello> form = Form.form(Hello.class).bindFromRequest();
if(form.hasErrors()) {
return badRequest(index.render(form));
} else {
Hello data = form.get();
Logger.debug("Box 1 was " + data.box1);
Logger.debug("Box 2 was " + data.box2);
return ok(
hello.render(, data.repeat, data.color)
I want to see if I can get the boolean true/false information printed in the debug statements. Right now even if I click both boxes and submit, they return as null
. Also, I know that there is a view helper for checkboxes, but I want to understand how to get this working using a custom view. Any advice on how to use checkboxes to map Boolean attributes?
PS - full code is here if you'd like to try it
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