Howdie do,
It's very simple, but I can't see my mistake. When the user clicks the checkbox, the variable isEmployee needs to be set to true. I then pass that variable to a JSON array, but some reason, no matter what I do, the isEmployee variable isn't being set.
<label for="EmployStats">Current Employee: </label><input type="checkbox" id="EmployStats" checked />
var isEmployee = false;
isEmployee = true;
data = {'Employ_Status':isEmployee};
However, when I hit my submit button, the header still is showing Employ_Status as false even when the checkbox is clicked.
I can't for the life of me see what is wrong with this
UPDATE: The reason the data array is set after the checkbox being set is due to the data arrary only being submitted after other fields have been validated:
if(submit == true) //If data is present, then prepare email and user values to be submitted to .php page
var results;
data = {'Employ_name': $('#EmployName').val(), 'Employ_num': $('#EmployNumber').val(), 'Employ_phone': $('#Phone').val(), 'Employ_address': $('#Address').val(), 'Employ_city': $('#City').val(), 'Employ_state': $('#State').val(),'Employ_zip': $('#Zip').val(), 'Employ_Status':isEmployee}; //Add input to JSON array
$.post("success.php", data, function(ReturnedData) //post data via ajx to success.php and retrieve response
if(ReturnedData.Type == 'Error') //If error returned, display error message
results = '<h1 class="error">'+ReturnedData.Message+'</h1>';
else if(ReturnedData.Type == 'Success') //If success returned, display message and remove submit button
results = '<h1 class="success">'+ReturnedData.Message+'</h1>';
}, 'json');
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