Ive wriiten Query to Search Based on 32 diff parameters now to do refine Search like in flipkart n other ecommerce sites in asp.net C# Ive multiple listview with multiple checkbox im hitting procedure to fetch refine in on checked change of Checkbox but in pre render its showing old data itself(Ive put on_prerender for listview and datapager for restricting data).
protected void OnCheckedChanged_ChkPreferedLocationBasedOnSkills(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewRefinedCity = null;
foreach (ListViewDataItem li in lstviewLocation.Items)
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)li.FindControl("ChkRefineLocation");
if (cb.Checked)
HiddenField hdn = (HiddenField)li.FindControl("hdnRefineLocation");
if (NewRefinedCity == null)
NewRefinedCity = hdn.Value;
NewRefinedCity += "," + hdn.Value;
DataSet dt = ObjBLCandidateAdvanceSearch.GetSearchedCandidates(keyskills, AreaOfInterest, MinExpectedCTC, MaxExpectedCTC, JobType,
MinCurrentCTC, MaxCurrentCTC, CurrentJobTitle, CurrentCompany, EmployeeType, NewRefinedCity, MinTotalYearExp, MaxTotalYearExp, ProjectType,
ProjectSkills, CurrentLocation, Gender, MinAge, MaxAge, Industry, FunctionalArea, CourseType, Course, Branch, MinPassoutYear, MaxPassoutYear,
University, College, MinPercentage, MaxPercentage, MinCGPA, MaxCGPA, Visibility, ProjectTitle);
if (dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
lblMsg.Visible = false;
LstSearchedCandidates.DataSource = dt.Tables[0];
lblMsg.Visible = true;
lblMsg.Text = "No records found for the given Search";
pgrSearchedCandidates.Visible = false;
// BindGetNoOfCandidateSkills(dt.Tables[1]);
//// BindCandidatePreferedLocationBasedOnSkills(dt.Tables[2]);
// BindCandidatePreferedLocation(dt.Tables[3]);
// BindGetNoOfIndustry(dt.Tables[4]);
// BindGetNoOfCandidateFunctionalArea(dt.Tables[5]);
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