jeudi 2 juillet 2015

ng-grid : How to differentiate the select between the selection of rows by default checkbox and the row select in ng-grid?

I have a ng-grid and here is my gridOptions

$scope.gridOptions = {
            data: 'participants',
            multiSelect: true,
            enablePinning: true,
            enableColumnResize: true,
            selectedItems: $scope.selectedParticipant,
            columnDefs: 'columnDefs',
            sortInfo: { fields: ['rsid'], directions: ['asc']},
            showSelectionCheckbox: true,
            rowHeight: 36,
            //selectedItems: $scope.selectedResources,
            beforeSelectionChange: function (data) {

                    return false;

            afterSelectionChange: function (data) {

I want to select row for pop up dialog for editing and the checkbox for multiple selection for delete/status edit. how can I differentiate the selection in ng-grid?????

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