I try to use a list of checkbox in my view and pass all checked checkbox to my controller like explain here : List of checkbox
but anything is wrong because the list passed to the controller from the view is empty.
I use a personal model:
public class Monmodele
public TTypeRetouche Ttyperetouche { get; set; }
public List<TTypeRetouche> Ttyperetouches { get; set; }
public CheckTypeRetouche Cchecktyperetouche { get; set; }
public List<CheckTypeRetouche> Cchecktyperetouches { get; set; }
public TRetoucheTypeRetouche Tretouchetyperetouche { get; set; }
public List<TRetoucheTypeRetouche> Tretouchetyperetouches { get; set;
public class CheckTypeRetouche
public int Idtyperetouche {get;set;}
public string Libelle {get;set;}
public bool Checked {get;set;}
//Table et classe TretoucheTypeRetouche
//Contient tous les types de retouche d'une retouche (une photo)
public class TRetoucheTypeRetouche{
public virtual int Idretouche { get; set; }
public virtual int Idtyperetouche {get;set;}
public virtual int Idcommande { get; set; }
//Table et classe TypeRetouche
public class TTypeRetouche{
public int Idtyperetouche { get; set; }
public string Libelle { get; set; }
public int Prix { get; set; }
public string SRCtyperetouche { get; set; }
public HttpPostedFileBase fichierphotomodele { get; set; }
In the controller, I retrieve data to display in the view and I add to a list data for the checkbox :
public ActionResult VCreateCommande()
using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
string userid = User.Identity.GetUserId().ToString();
monmodel.Tretouchetyperetouches = (from a in db.TRetoucheTypeRetouches
where a.Idcommande == idcmd
select a).ToList();
monmodel.Ttyperetouches = db.TTypeRetouches.ToList();
//Liste des type de retouche pour les checkbox
var list = new List<CheckTypeRetouche>();
foreach (var item in monmodel.Ttyperetouches)
list.Add(new CheckTypeRetouche{Idtyperetouche=item.Idtyperetouche,Libelle=item.Libelle,Checked=false});
monmodel.Cchecktyperetouches = list;
return View(monmodel);
The POST in the controller, I pass a list of checkbox ojects:
public ActionResult VCreateRetouche([Bind(Include = "SRCPhoto,fichierphoto,Idtyperetouche")] TRetouche Tretouche, List<CheckTypeRetouche>list)
//public ActionResult Create()
using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
//Récupérer l'identifiant de la retouche crée
//Récupération de l'identifiant
idretouche = db.TRetouches.Max(u => u.Idretouche);
//Quelles sont le ou les types de retouches sélectionnées
foreach (var item in list)
if (item.Checked == true)
TRetoucheTypeRetouche tretouchetyperetouche = new TRetoucheTypeRetouche();
tretouchetyperetouche.Idretouche = idretouche;
tretouchetyperetouche.Idcommande = idcmd;
tretouchetyperetouche.Idtyperetouche = item.Idtyperetouche;
return View("VCreateCommande",monmodel);
And the view :
@using (Html.BeginForm("VCreateRetouche", "CCommande", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
@Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
<div class="creation-retouche">
<h4>Specifier votre retouche</h4>
@foreach (var item in Model.Cchecktyperetouches)
<div class="ilnb col1">
@Html.HiddenFor(model => item.Idtyperetouche)
@Html.DisplayFor(model => item.Libelle)
<div class="ilnb col2">
@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => item.Checked)
<div class="">
<div class="ilnb col1">Photo...</div>
<div class="ilnb col2">
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Tretouche.fichierphoto, new { type = "file" })
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Ajouter" class="inpajout btn btn-default" />
<br />
The model used in the view is :
@model CreationLogicielSitePhoto.Models.Monmodele
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