I have a Razor View (ASP.NET MVC) on which I have a set of pre-validations that are used to set the state of a number of checkboxes.
While the normal functioning is OK, I really want to capture the click on only one specific checkbox (rather than the whole set of checkboxes) and do a ´$.post(...)´ call.
How will I be able to achieve this? Is this even possible?
Here's (part of) my View:
<div class="ukejuni">
DateTime thisWeek = (DateTime)ViewData["thisWeek"];
int thisWeekNumber = DateTimeExtender.WeekOfYearIso8601(thisWeek);
int year = thisWeek.Year;
string chkValue = thisWeekNumber + ";" + year;
Uke @Html.Raw(thisWeekNumber.ToString())
switch ((DeliveryWeekType)Model.ba.delivery_week_type)
case DeliveryWeekType.EvenWeek:
if (BusinessWeek.IsEvenWeek(thisWeekNumber)
&& (Model.ba.deviations.Where(deviation =>
deviation.agreement_id == Model.ba.agreement_id
&& deviation.week_nr == thisWeekNumber
&& deviation.year == year
&& deviation.delivery.HasValue
&& (bool)deviation.delivery == true)
.FirstOrDefault() == null)
<input class="leveringicon" type="checkbox" name="chkDelivery" checked="checked" value="@chkValue" />
<input class="leveringicon" type="checkbox" name="chkDelivery" value="@chkValue" />
case DeliveryWeekType.OddWeek:
if (!BusinessWeek.IsEvenWeek(thisWeekNumber)
&& (Model.ba.deviations.Where(deviation =>
deviation.agreement_id == Model.ba.agreement_id
&& deviation.week_nr == thisWeekNumber
&& deviation.year == year
&& deviation.delivery.HasValue
&& (bool)deviation.delivery == true)
.FirstOrDefault() == null)
<input class="leveringicon" type="checkbox" name="chkDelivery" checked="checked" value="@chkValue" />
<input class="leveringicon" type="checkbox" name="chkDelivery" value="@chkValue" />
if (Model.ba.deviations.Where(deviation =>
deviation.agreement_id == Model.ba.agreement_id
&& deviation.week_nr == thisWeekNumber
&& deviation.year == year
&& deviation.delivery.HasValue
&& (bool)deviation.delivery == true)
.FirstOrDefault() == null)
<input class="leveringicon" type="checkbox" name="chkDelivery" checked="checked" value="@chkValue" />
<input class="leveringicon" type="checkbox" name="chkDelivery" value="@chkValue" />
And this is the script I'm using to capture (and write to the console) the value of the checkbox:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input[name='chkDelivery']").change(function (e) {
var values = $(this).val().split(';');
if ($(this).is(':checked'))
@*$.post('@Html.Action("ChangeWeekDelivery")', {week: values[0], year: values[1], checkedState: true }, function () {
Whenever I see the console output I'll get 8 entries with the same output (8 is the number of checkboxes on the screen):
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
["51", "2015"]
So, how do I limit the capture event to a single item? I've tried using ´$(e.target)´ but the result is still the same.
Best Regards
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