i have my forms in a loop gerating many forms with checkboxes... the choices are submited via a hidden iframe that runs my php...can i make this checkboxes autosave to the database ?
<form action='http://ift.tt/1RdqSJi' method='post' class="my-form" target='hidden-form'>
<input class="styled" type='checkbox' name='pago' value='yes' <?php if ($che=='yes') {echo "checked='yes'"; } else if ($cccc='') {} else {} ; ?> > <br> </div><div class='tb1 tb1_small sc' >
<input class="styled" type='checkbox' name='recibo' value='yes' <?php if ($rec=='yes') {echo "checked='yes'";} else{}; ?> > <br></div><div class='tb1 tb3_md sc '>
<input class="styled" type="hidden" name="contador" readonly value="<?php echo $id_postt1."linha_".$events[0]; ?>">
<input class="styled" type="hidden" name="id_p" readonly value="<?php echo $events[2];?>">
<input type='Submit' class="button white small" value='Salvar' onclick='saved(<?php echo $fid ?>)' />
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