I'm currently refactoring / changing an existing GWT/GXT project. In one of our tables we currently have Checkboxes, and if one of them is selected, it opens a view below the table to edit the selected PropertyDefinition-object. Since me and my co-worker both think a checkbox for this purpose is a bit ugly, I'm trying to change it to a ToggleButton.
Here is the working code with the CheckboxCell:
final Column<PropertyDefinition, Boolean> toggleButtonColumn = new Column<PropertyDefinition, Boolean>(
new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(final PropertyDefinition object) {
// Get the selected PropertyDefinition from the selection model
return ManagementDiv.this.selectionModel.isSelected(object);
And we have the selectionModel initialized in the Constructor like this:
public managementDiv(){
this.propertyList = new DataGrid<PropertyDefinition>(KEY_PROVIDER);
this.selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<PropertyDefinition>(KEY_PROVIDER);
this.selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
public void onSelectionChange(final SelectionChangeEvent event) {
DefaultSelectionEventManager.<PropertyDefinition> createCheckboxManager());
I'm pretty inexperience with GWT/GXT so far, but I see it uses a createCheckboxManager()
. Can I somehow modify the code to use a ToggleButtonCell, and still have the same functionality?
I did try replacing the CheckboxCell column with this:
final ToggleButtonCell toggleButtoNCell = new ToggleButtonCell() {
protected void onClick(final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context, final XElement p,
final Boolean value, final NativeEvent event, final ValueUpdater<Boolean> valueUpdater) {
super.onClick(context, p, value, event, valueUpdater);
setText(value ? "ON" : "OFF");
final Column<PropertyDefinition, Boolean> toggleButtonColumn = new Column<PropertyDefinition, Boolean>(
toggleButtonCell) {
But I don't really know how to continue, and if my approach is the correct one to begin with..
(We use GXT Sencha btw, so excluding the GXT EXT.)
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