mardi 15 mars 2016

Angular 2 Checkbox preventDefault

I am making a Bootstrap checkbox dropdown and the options is wrapped in an <a> tag that handles the click, but I also have a <input type="checkbox"> inside the a-tag.

My problem occurs when the user is pressing on the actual checkbox instead of just the <a> element. Both are clicked and some conflict happen. The checkbox checked-state should be inverted but isn't.

In Angular1 it worked to just use preventDefault() on the checkbox-click, but in my angular2-test it stops the checkbox from updating its state.

Need help with what I am doing wrong.

    <li *ngFor="#option of options">
    <a href="" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" (click)="setSelected($event, option)">
        <input type="checkbox" [checked]="isSelected(option)" (click)="checkboxClick($event)" /> {{ }}


I want the same behaviour when clicking on the checkboxes as clicking on the links to the right.

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