mercredi 2 mars 2016

Angularjs transform array from input checkbox

I have multiple input checkboxs created from a model with angular using ng-repeat, when I select some of them I get this:

var accounts = [AA764: true, AA324: true, AA234: false, AA553: true, AA7365: false];

But I need following structure to manipulate in controller that calls and REST API:

var accounts = ['AA764', 'AA324', 'AA553'];

This is the way I obtain the array to be converted:

<span><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="deleteAsobancariaAccountModalDialog(asobancariaAccounts)"><i class="pe-7s-trash"></i> Eliminar</a></span>

<tbody ng-repeat="account in reconcileBankAccounts">
        <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="asobancariaAccounts[account.accountBankId]"> {{account.accountName}}</td>
        <td><i class="pe-7s-pen"></i> <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="updateAsobancariaAccountModalDialog(account)">Editar</a></td>

In the Controller:

$scope.deleteAsobancariaAccountModalDialog = function (asobancariaAccounts) {

    console.log(asobancariaAccounts);  // [AA764: true, AA324: true, 'AA234': false, 'AA553': true, 'AA7365': false]

    var modalInstance = ${
        size: 'md',
        keyboard: true,
        controller: 'asobancariaCreateController',
        scope: $scope,
        resolve: {
            asobancariaAccount: function(){
                asobancariaAccounts.action = "delete";
                return asobancariaAccounts;

Just those checkbox that are selected, I have tried with the javascript foreach function but I cannot make it work. Is there any library for angular or maybe with bower that can help me? Thanks.

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