mardi 15 mars 2016

Java FX Property binding for checkboxes

I have a Java FX project in NetBeans, which I have created a FXML file via scene builder. I have also created check boxes based on data collected from a web service. What I am trying to do is bind the properties of the checkboxes to the property of the graphs that I have created in scene builder.

//This is my Bar Chart declared from scene builder 
private BarChart<?, ?> BarChart1;
//This is the Array of Checkboxes
checkBoxes = new CheckBox[Year.size()];
            EventHandler<ActionEvent> eh = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
                public void handle (ActionEvent e){

            // for loop to run through the data to retrieve the years
            for (byte index = 0; index < Year.size(); index++) {
                checkBoxes[index] = new CheckBox(Year.get(index));

//This is where my check boxes are declared
private CheckBox[] checkBoxes;


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