vendredi 5 août 2016

Change checked value of bootstrap-checkbox plugin, when submitting form

I am using bootstrap-checkbox within a html form as follows:

<form action= ...>

// some inputs...

<input id="mySwitch" class="switch" type="checkbox" name="mySwitch"

//more inputs...


My problem is that when I am submitting the form, the default value for checkbox plugin is "on" and I want to change it to something else, e.g "1"

I tried to add a value="1" property to the input element but I still receive "on" as a checked value at the server.

//HTTP request output    

array:19 [▼
"_token" => "192q78C3xGUorq0mFQMk7g0VSBcojjvt9ikkWLE4"
  "mySwitch" => "on" // <-- I want this to be 1

Any help appreciated, thank you

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