I want to make checkbox act like radio buttons i.e. only one selected at a time. I followed the following link: AngularJS: single select between multiple checkbox
I have made a directive like below:
.directive('ruleEnabledCheckBoxList', ruleEnabledCheckBoxList);
function ruleEnabledCheckBoxList() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
templateUrl: 'rule-checkboxlist.html',
scope: {
fieldLabel : "@",
valueComing : '@',
The template looks like this:
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-checked="selectedValue==valueComing"
data-ng-true-value="valueComing" data-ng-model="selectedValue">
This is the html:
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="appc as appCtrl">
<rule-enabled-check-box-list selected-value = "appCtrl.selected" field-label="Local Alarm" value-coming="Local"></rule-enabled-check-box-list>
<rule-enabled-check-box-list selected-value = "appCtrl.selected" field-label="Central Alarm" value-coming="Central"></rule-enabled-check-box-list>
My limitation is that I want to bind both the checkboxes to the same attribute in the controller i.e. whichever is selected. I found in this link that it is not possible to give dynamic values for ng true value. AngularJS checkbox dynamic ng-true-value expression
Then is there any alternative for the above situation ?
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