mardi 9 août 2016

How to manage state with checkboxes in React?

I am new to React and I am trying to make a table of users and want to use checkboxes to manage their permissions. I have run into a problem with updating the state when I click a checkbox. The handleChange method is where I am having problems. I don't know how to go about identifying the right checkbox to change the state for that specific user. I am thinking maybe I need to add an id prop to each but that seems like it might get out of hand for a large number of users, i.e. one id for each permission per user. I feel like this shouldn't be so difficult but I have been stuck for a long time.

My component code is below.

import React from 'react'
import {Link} from 'react-router'
import {Panel, Button, PageHeader, Row, Col, Table, Input} from 'react-bootstrap'

export class UserPermissions extends React.Component {

constructor() {
    this.state = {
        users: [
                name: 'Jerry',
                viewAccounts: true,
                modifyAccounts: true,
                viewUsers: false,
                modifyUsers: true
                name: 'George',
                viewAccounts: false,
                modifyAccounts: true,
                viewUsers: false,
                modifyUsers: false
                name: 'Elaine',
                viewAccounts: true,
                modifyAccounts: false,
                viewUsers: false,
                modifyUsers: true

  //not sure how to write this

    return, index) => <th key={index} style=>{step}</th>);


    return, index) => 
            <tr key={index}>
                <td style=>
                    <Input type="checkbox"
                <td style=>
                    <Input type="checkbox"
                <td style=>
                    <Input type="checkbox"
                <td style=>
                    <Input type="checkbox"
                           onChange={this.handleChange} /></td>
                <td style=>
                    <Link to="/users"><i className="fa fa-edit fa-2x fa-fw" /></Link>
                    <Link to="/users"><i className="fa fa-times-circle fa-2x fa-fw" /></Link></td>


render() {
    return (
                <Col lg={12}>
                    <PageHeader>User Permissions</PageHeader>

                <Col lg={12}>
                    <Panel header={<span>Users</span>} bsStyle="primary">
                            <div className="dataTable_wrapper">
                                <div id="dataTables-example_wrapper" className="dataTables_wrapper form-inline dt-bootstrap no-footer">
                                        <Col sm={12}>
                                            <Table striped condensed responsive>
                    <Button bsStyle="success">Add User</Button>

UserPermissions.propTypes = {
headings: React.PropTypes.array

UserPermissions.defaultProps = {
headings: ['Name', 'View Accounts', 'Modify Accounts', 'View Users', 'Modify Users']


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