mardi 26 septembre 2017

Select checkbox ng-if parent checkbox is slected, both parent & child is uncountable diff. array

Structure is

$scope.divisions = [
  { Description: 'test1', Id: 1 },
  { Description: 'test2', Id: 2 },
  { Description: 'test3', Id: 3 },
  { Description: 'test4', Id: 4 },
  { Description: 'test5', Id: 5 }

  $scope.subd = [
  { Description: 'sub1', Id: 7 },
  { Description: 'sub2', Id: 8 },
  { Description: 'sub3', Id: 9 }

If test1 is selected subd should display under that,subd can be selectable.

I wants to catch only id of division and subd.

check it on Plunker

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