I have list of all company roles that can be added to user, and also I have list that I get from user for roles that he currently have. Both i get from service. I want to compare these two lists and roles that exist make checked when I show them in html list.
My html:
<div class="roles-div">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<label class="label-roles">Select User Roles</label>
<form #rolesForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submitRole(rolesForm)" >
<div class="flex-column-center">
<div class="flex-center width90 height300 checkbox-div">
<li *ngFor="let role of context.roles">
<input class="roles-li" type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="role.id" name="role">
<div class="flex-column-center2 width35">
<button class="btn-main10" type="submit">Submit</button>
My ts:
export class AddRolePopupComponent extends PopupAbstract implements OnInit {
userRoles = [];
constructor( private userService: UserService, private companyService: CompanyService, public dialog: DialogRef<any> ) {
super( dialog, dialog.context );
ngOnInit() {
response => { this.handleSucess( response ); },
error => { console.error( error ); },
handleSucess(response) {
this.userRoles = response;
Any sugestions what should I do to get my existing roles checked. Thanks
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