In my app I want to create a new Risk ( an instance of Risk object ) and when it is created I want to display 5 checkboxes and three radio buttons. Selected options are specific to each instance of Risk object.
Later I want to display a list of all added Risks with an Edit option button on each Risk. I want my app to restore the view specific to a selected Risk ( when an Edit button on a selected risk is clicked ) - with Risk name, all checkboxes and radio-buttons checked as selected previously. And I want to be able to edit these checkbox selections again so that all new changes were properly reflected in MySQL.
As a newbie in Thymeleaf I did the following:
<div th:each="top : ${topic}">
<input type="checkbox" th:field="*{topic}" th:checked="${top.checked}" th:value="${}"/><label th:text="${}">Something is wrong !</label>
I am sure that Controller and Hibernate/MySQL part works properly ( I checked using Logs ).
This works just fine - but only if I have selected only one checkbox ( initially when I added a risk ).
If I select more than one checkbox (when adding a risk) and later select this risk for editing no checkboxes are checked.
What is wrong ?
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