lundi 29 janvier 2018

MDL Tables Selectable not working as expected

I'm using Material Design Lite and trying to implement a basic data table with the code below:

<table class="mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table mdl-data-table--selectable mdl-shadow--2dp">
      <th class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Material</th>
      <th>Unit price</th>
      <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
      <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Plywood (Birch)</td>
      <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Laminate (Gold on Blue)</td>

The table generates fine, but the above code does not generate the checkboxes that I need. Based on the documentation mdl-data-table--selectable should generate the checkboxes, but they are not showing up. I did some digging around and found this article on github:

While this is a bit disappointing, I copied their example just to see if it generates the checkboxes correctly. My exact code is below:

    <!-- Material Design Lite -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <!-- Material Design icon font -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <table class="mdl-data-table mdl-shadow--2dp">
          <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-data-table__select" for="table-header">
            <input type="checkbox" id="table-header" class="mdl-checkbox__input" />
      <th class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Material</th>
      <th>Unit price</th>
          <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-data-table__select" for="row[1]">
            <md-checkbox type="checkbox" id="row[1]" class="mdl-checkbox__input" />
      <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
          <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-data-table__select" for="row[2]">
            <input type="checkbox" id="row[2]" class="mdl-checkbox__input" />
      <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Plywood (Birch)</td>
          <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-data-table__select" for="row[3]">
            <input type="checkbox" id="row[3]" class="mdl-checkbox__input" />
      <td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Laminate (Gold on Blue)</td>

I've included all the necessary links to the JS and CSS file, but what returns looks like this:

enter image description here

For consistency, I really need the checkboxes to have the Material Design look/feel, but this looks like Bootstrap. Any ideas what's going on here?

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