i was hoping if somebody could help me figure out how to get datalayer.push data from checkboxes the user has selected on a form during submission. The form has many fields but i only want the checkboxes that have been selected.
This is what the form looks like ( it has 4 checkboxes like that)
<div class="form-choice-group ">
<div class="form-check form-check--text-normal ">
<input data-validetta="minChecked[1]" data-vd-parent-up="2" data-vd-message-minChecked="Vali vähemalt 1 teenus" type="checkbox" id="check-grey-0" class="form-check__input" name="teenused[]" value="IT (ITH, Office 365, seadmemajutus, IoT jne)">
<label for="check-grey-0" class="form-check__label ">
<span class="form-check__indicator">
<svg class="icon form-check__icon">
<use xlink:href="/tk-telia-theme/images/icons.svg#check"></use>
<span class="form-check__text ">
IT (ITH, Office 365, seadmemajutus, IoT jne)
This is what my datalayer looks like
'event' : 'GAEvent',
'eventCategory' : 'Uue Äri/IT kliendi müügivõistlus',
'eventAction' : 'Saada müügivõimalus',
'eventLabel' : $('.form-check__input').val()
But it is not submitting the variables correctly and the datalayer says that the eventLabel is undefined. So im guessing this is wrong $('.form-check__input').val()
Im really struggeling with this and some help would be greatly apreciated.
Thanks! Frank
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