samedi 7 juillet 2018

Checkbox state not saving in RecyclerView

I have a recyclerView that contains the name, package name and icon of installed apps. I have added checkbox to the recyclerView and because of recycling nature of the view when I check a box and scroll then then the state of box changes. So, what I wanted to know is that is there any way to keep the checkbox state as it is after scrolling? I tried this but not able to grasp. Here is my recycler Adapter:

public class AppsAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<AppsAdapter.ViewHolder>{

    Context context1;
    List<String> stringList;

    public AppsAdapter(Context context, List<String> list){

        context1 = context;

        stringList = list;

    public static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{

        public CardView cardView;
        public ImageView imageView;
        public TextView textView_App_Name;
        public TextView textView_App_Package_Name;
        public CheckBox checkBox;

        public ViewHolder (View view){



            cardView = (CardView) view.findViewById(;
            imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
            textView_App_Name = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
            textView_App_Package_Name = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
            checkBox = (CheckBox)view.findViewById(;


    public AppsAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType){

        View view2 = LayoutInflater.from(context1).inflate(R.layout.cardview_layout,parent,false);

        ViewHolder viewHolder = new ViewHolder(view2);

        return viewHolder;

    public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder viewHolder, final int position){

        ApkInfoExtractor apkInfoExtractor = new ApkInfoExtractor(context1);

        final String ApplicationPackageName = (String) stringList.get(position);
        String ApplicationLabelName = apkInfoExtractor.GetAppName(ApplicationPackageName);
        Drawable drawable = apkInfoExtractor.getAppIconByPackageName(ApplicationPackageName);




        viewHolder.checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
            public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean b) {


    public int getItemCount(){

        return stringList.size();


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