lundi 9 juillet 2018

ion-item with checkbox and "a" element - click on "a" element clicks whole item and checkbox

I have ion-item, with ion-checkbox and ion-labels elements inside, and an a element inside ion-label:

<ion-item class="userAgreement" text-wrap no-border no-lines>
  <ion-checkbox formControlName="agreementCheckbox"></ion-checkbox>
  <ion-label>I accept the terms of 
     <a (click)="GoToUserAgreementPage()" class="linkText">User 

Checkbox is clickable itself, but when I click on User agreement text inside ion-label, whole ion-item is clicked and it affects checkbox. I want checkbox to be clickable only if clicked on itself, and be able to click only on that part of text inside a element inside ion-label.

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