jeudi 12 juillet 2018

Yii form retrieving checkbox value

I am still quite new to Yii and I'm trying to retrieve checkbox value. Here is my code


echo $form->checkBox($model,'seats_id',  array('value'=>$modSeat->id,'id'=>$modSeat->id));


if (isset($_POST['TicketCustomer']){
    throw new exception($seats_id); // to check value retrieved

The value that I received every time would be 0 and when I check page source it produces two checkbox

<input id="yt1" type="hidden" value="0" name="TicketCustomer[seats_id]" />
<input value="1" id="1" name="TicketCustomer[seats_id]" type="checkbox" />

What should I do to retrieve the value from the checkbox?

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