vendredi 17 août 2018

Django get table value with checkbox

I'm looking for getting table row value thanks to checkbox but I don't overcome to get variables according to selected checkbox. I have to add - I'm new with CBV !

This is my template.html :

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed table_model" style="width: 160%;">
            <th style="width: 10%;">Choice</th>
            <th>Document title</th>

In my file (similar to file)

class Document(View):
    template_name = 'doc_form.html'
    form_class = DocumentForm
    success_url = 'doc_form.html'

    def get(self, request):
        form = self.form_class()
        query_document = None
        query_document_updated = None

        if "SearchOMCL" in request.GET:
            ... some things ...

        checkbox_id = request.POST.getlist('DocumentChoice')

        context = {
            'form': form,
            'query_document' : query_document,
            'query_document_updated' : query_document_updated

        return render(request, self.template_name, context)

I don't overcome to get a list of values when my checkbox is selected. I have to add someting else ?

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