mercredi 29 août 2018

When I check Checkbox Then Only one value display instead of all values



$periods = "select * from perodicity";
$periods = $conn->query($periods) or die ($conn>error.__LINE__);
$peris = [];

while ($row = $periods->fetch_assoc()) {
    $peris[] = $row;

//for service 1
$all_activities = "select * from activity join displayserviceactivitymap on activity.activity_id = displayserviceactivitymap.activity_id right  join services on services.service_id = displayserviceactivitymap.service_id";

$all_activities = $conn->query($all_activities) or die ($conn>error.__LINE__);
$activities = [];

while ($row = $all_activities->fetch_assoc()) {
    $activities[] = $row;

$repeated = 'repeated';

foreach ($activities as $act) {

  if($act['servicename'] != $repeated){


 <form action="page5_form.php" method="post" name= "test">
      <input name='service' type='checkbox' data-id='Incometax'value="<?php echo $service['service_id']?>"/><?php echo $act['servicename']?>
        <?php  $repeated = $act['servicename'];}?>

              <?php if($act['activity_id'] != '')

               echo '<input type="checkbox" name="arr['.$act['service_id'].'][activity][]" value="'.$act['activity_id'].'" id="'.$act['activity_id'].'">'.$act['nameofactivity'].'<br>';

          <!-- <input type='checkbox' name='activity' value="<?php echo $activity['id']?>" />Revised Return Filling<br> -->


              <?php foreach ($peris as $per) : ?>

          <input type='checkbox' name='periodicity' value="<?php echo $per['periodicity_id'];?>" /><?php echo $per['per_time'];?>

              <?php endforeach ?>





    <?php }?>

      <input name="number" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $next; ?>">

      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>


PHP code Output :

  • Incometax
    • Return
    • Revised
    • Filling
  • GST
    • Revised
    • Filling

Here Incometax and Gst are services And other are activity related to that services.

I use javascript code for display and hide activity related to Services But when I click on Incometax then only one activity Return display,same for GST when I click on GST then only one revised display.

I want to display all activity related to that services which service is clicked.

My Javascript Code

let _flags={

document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded',function( evt ){

  let _form = document.forms.test;
  let _class= 'visible'; _form.querySelectorAll( 'input[ type="checkbox" ]' ) ).forEach( function( el, i ){
    if( ) el.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ){

      /* Hide all `OL` elements & uncheck  */ _form.querySelectorAll( 'li ol' ) ).forEach( function( n ){
        if( n.classList.contains( _class ) ) {
          /* Remove the class from child OL element that contains other input elements ( activities ) */
          n.classList.remove( _class );

          /* Uncheck the other service checkbox */
          n.parentNode.querySelector( 'input[ type="checkbox" ]' ).checked=true;

          /* uncheck all child activity checkboxes */
 n.querySelectorAll( 'input[ type="checkbox" ]' ) ).forEach( function(chk){
            chk.checked ;
          } );
      } );

      /* Display relevant activity checkboxes */
      if( ) 'ol' ).classList.toggle( _class )

    }, _flags );
}, _flags );

Thank You

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