I have a problem with backgroundworkers in my WinForm application. Here is my scenario: I have a background workers that starts in OnLoad form event. Then I have a checkbox on the form to stop/start the workers. When I uncheck the box the event call the cancelAsync() method, but the worker don't receive CancellationPending. To debug this problem I have tried to add a Button on the form that perform the same as the CheckedChanged event, in this case it works???!!!
This is a snippet of my code:
The workers ...
private void BwMB_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
bool loop = true;
while (loop)
if (bwMB.CancellationPending)
loop = false;
... other code ...
e.Cancel = true;
The CheckedChanged event ...
private void checkBoxModBus_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkBoxModBus.Checked)
if (!bwMB.IsBusy)
if (bwMB.IsBusy)
catch(Exception ex)
And the button click event for debug ...
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
When I click on the button the worker receives the cancellation signals and exit loop setting the bwMBExitEvent (ManualResetEvent). In this way the click event WaitOne end waiting. When I uncheck the box the worker, stop running, but don't receive the signal, so don't ends the loop and the event is not set. The CheckedChanged's WaitOne never ends.
I hope I habe been clear. Sorry for my bad english, and thanks for tour help. Leonardo.
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